We Evaluate and Treat Conditions

  • Allergic Rhinitis 
  • Acute and Chronic Sinusitis
  • Asthma
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • Honey Bee, Wasp Hornet Allergy
  • Fire Ant Allergy
  • Food Allergy
  • Drug Allergy
  • Urticaria (hives)
  • Immunodeficiency and Recurrent Infections

We Provide Diagnostic Studies and Treatments

Spirometry: A type of breathing test or pulmonary function test that uses a spirometer and computer to measure changes in airflow as a person inhales and exhales, as well as the overall volume of air exhaled. It is an important tool in the diagnosis and management of asthma.

Skin Prick Test: This procedure uses a small plastic prong to prick the skin with a solution of a specific allergen. If you are very allergic to the antigen over the course of 15 – 20 minutes you will develop a wheal and flare reaction (localized hive) at the site.

Intradermal Skin Testing: This is a more sensitive test than the skin prick test and involves introduction of a small amount of the antigen solution into the dermis. This test is similar to a TB skin test. The test is also typically read in 15 – 20 minutes. Intradermal testing is typically done with those antigens that were negative on skin prick test

Patch test: This procedure is used in the diagnosis of contact dermatitis. We will apply the patches that contain different irritants that are a common causes of contact dermatitis. It is applied in the office and readings are done at 48 and 72 hours later.

Nasal Secretions Staining: In most cases nasal drainage could be either from an allergic or infectious cause. Observing bacteria on nasal smears is highly suggestive of a sinus infection. Large amounts of eosinophils and no bacteria suggest an allergic cause for your drainage. Observing Neutrophils without eosinophils or bacteria point to a possible viral infection,. In order to make the correct diagnosis, we collect and stain a small amount of the patient's nasal secretions to look at under an oil immersion lens of a microscope. This test enables us to treat your disease more accurately.

Allergen Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots): The goal of allergen immunotherapy is to decrease your sensitivity to the allergens that may be playing a role in your symptoms. Once you have undergone testing individualized extracts are prepared and administered in increasing concentrations weekly over a period of several months. Immunotherapy can lead to long term relief from your allergy symptoms even after the shots are stopped. In children immunotherapy has been shown to prevent the progression of allergic rhinitis to asthma.